The Three Tenors on the Lawn
Chairman's Notes: from the Special News
Bulletin Summer 2003
Residents' eager anticipation of the Three
Tenors Concert on August 7th will heighten when
preparations start on July 28th and the stage
and arena gradually take shape. Frequent
meetings and correspondence between your
committee (for the Crescent Lawn Company) and
Wessex Water (for M) about the detailed
arrangements for use of the Lawn have been
conducted most amicably, and the experience
gained when the Carreras Concert was staged in
1992 has eased the process. We are pleased to
acknowledge the handsome donation towards the
Railings & Ha ha Restoration from Wessex Water,
and the offer of guaranteed prime seats for all

Residents' rights of exclusive use of the
Lawn, of which over two thirds will remain
accessible, enjoyed under the terms of the deeds
of the 30 Royal Crescent houses will not be
affected, but access to the Lawn during the
Concert and rehearsal the same afternoon will be
strictly for residents only. This will be
controlled by the issue by Wessex Water of a
numbered pass to each resident, who will have to
show it to the security staff on the central
gate to gain entry to the Lawn; the other gates
will not be in use. Residents using the Lawn are
also asked to remain in place once the concert
has started, keeping to ing and fro ing to a
minimum. These restrictions are made necessary
in order to ensure a minimum of noise that might
interfere with the performance, out of
considerations of safety and security, and the
requirements of the insurance arranged for the
event by Wessex Water. For similar reasons it is
necessary to ask residents to refrain from
cooking, using canopies, or anything else which
would detract from the enjoyment of the 12,500+
concert goers or the 20,000 watching on the
screens in the western Royal Victoria Park.

Additionally the police have directed and
will enforce an order to the effect that, for
safety and security, the Royal Crescent and
surrounding roads must be closed from 6pm until
midnight on the Concert night, and that the
Crescent has to be clear of cars by this time.
It would assist the police if all cars were out
of the Crescent by noon. Alternative free
parking for residents, with extra security
provided by B&NES, will be available from
midnight, 6th August in Charlotte Street car
park until 10am, 8th August: passes have been
sent to residents with their tickets and lawn

Throughout the period of erecting and
dismantling the stage, etc, there will be
security guards on site. The security supervisor
can be contacted at any time at Bath 480963.
Also during this time you may see filming of the
preparations taking place this is for a
documentary type film entitled 'City of Water
and Stone' being produced in conjunction with
the event.

On the night of the Concert, those with
windows at ground level or above facing the Lawn
are asked to leave their lights on to enhance
the visual effect of the backdrop of the
Crescent. We have also been asked to remind you
that opportunist crime tends to flourish at such
events, so lock up well and guard your

The Concert marks the return of spa
facilities to Bath, and is to be preceded on
Wednesday August 6th by an opening ceremony at
the new Thermae Spa building. We hope that you
will enjoy the night of the Concert, the
firework display afterwards, and the use of the
Spa in the future.

About the Concert

Three of the greatest operatic legends will
take the stage at a spectacular free concert in
Bath. Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and
Luciano Pavarotti will perform the concert with
the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by
Janos Acs, to coincide with the long awaited
opening of Thermae Bath Spa. The event has been
organised following an invitation from Bath and
North East Somerset Council to celebrate the
occasion. The event is being sponsored by the
Malaysian based YTL, owners of Wessex Water, and
promoted by YTL Events Ltd. Francis Yeoh,
Managing director YTI, Corporation, said: 'We
are delighted to be able to host this event at
the request of B&NES. Although we have hosted
many international stars such as Pavarotti and
Carreras at our annual Concert of Celebrations
before, it is a great honour to bring the Three
Tenors to Bath."
Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council,
ClIr Paul Crossley, said: 'We were thrilled when
YTL agreed to sponsor such an amazing
spectacular to coincide with the opening of
Thermae Bath Spa. This concert will be a
wonderful boost for both the city and for
tourism. The excellent cooperation we are
getting from all concerned including the Royal
Crescent, who have kindly given permission to
use the land in front of the Crescent, has been
fundamental to ensuring this concert will be a
huge success."
Although the concert is free it will raise
money for charity. The Live Concert Relay
screens are in Royal Victoria Park: no seats are
provided for the Live Concert Relay but it is an
all ticket event. No ticket, no entry. Road
closures: Royal Crescent, Royal Avenue, Brock
Street, Upper Church Street, Marlborough Lane
and Marlborough Buildings.
The Three Tenors Concert,
7th August 2003
From Newsletter No 51 Autumn 2003

Each year the Malaysian company YTL holds a
concert of celebration. This year, because it
fitted neatly with their acquisition from Enron
of Wessex Water and 'the opening' of the Bath
Spa, it was held in Bath. What good fortune for
Bath, for this was not just about music, it was
about a spirit of community
My original intention had been to write about
the music, but that would he to miss the point.
Of course music was the vital ingredient and a
widely varied programme had something for
everyone, but his was an occasion; an
experience; a party, and a party that included
any. and everyone who wanted to join in.
Those of us of a certain age will be only too
well aware that we are less able to do many of
those things that we could do so easily a few
years ago. The vanity of man does not stop at
the threshold of defying time. Pete Townsend and
Mick Jagger have just demonstrated this, but for
whatever motives, the three tenors have shown us
how pleasure can be brought to a whole
On one level the concert was a wildly
extravagant gesture by YTL to celebrate the Spa
opening and another year of business. On another
level it contributed so much else to the
community. When did you last experience such a
buzz around the city and in particular in the
Royal Crescent? How wonderful to see so much of
the good in everyone being brought out, the
openness, the chatter, the enthusiasm and the
sheer enjoyment of the whole occasion.
it did not start and end on Thursday 7th
August. It began, slowly at first, with an
announcement from Wessex Water and developed
with the excitement of the ticket applications.
Then came the construction of the stage, the
sound, the lighting and performance rehearsals.
Finally there was the day and everywhere was
pleasure and conviviality.

Whoever decreed this to be an all ticket
affair had not anticipated those without tickets
who were determined to be part of it, hanging
out of windows, dangling legs over the parapets
of surrounding houses, sitting on pavements or
collecting around the perimeter of the Park.
Maybe 1 should also include residents of
Oldfield Park who chose to stay at home. Even if
they could not hear everything, they probably
had the best view of the fireworks display.

There was no escape, just one big communal
smile over the whole of Bath and a big 'thank
you' to the performers, especially the three
tenors, Placido Domingo, Josi6 Carreras and
Luciano Pavarotti, to Janos Acs and the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra, and to YTL

Corno di Bassetto
All pictures are with kind permission of the
Bath Chronicle who own the rights to all