Crescent Lawn Company
Ever since the Royal Crescent was built, the
Lawn has been a privately maintained area, with
residents’ rights of use. The Crescent Lawn Company (CLC)
was formed in 2003 with the purpose of holding
the title to the Lawn and its boundaries and
managing their upkeep on behalf of the Society.
Absolute Title was granted to the Company on 8th
April 2003. Acquisition of the title does not affect
residents’ rights to use the Lawn as enshrined
in their Leases or Freeholds.
The Royal Crescent Society has
long championed the restoration of the Lawn's
Railings and of the Ha-ha itself. The CLC
initiated a project to achieve this and with
Resident contributions, Royal Crescent Society funds and a Heritage
Lottery Fund grant entered into partnership
with Bath & North East
Somerset Council (B&NES) to progress the work.
The work on the restoration of the railings was completed in 2011
and the pavement in 2012.
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Bath Preservation Trust
The Trust is an independent charity
that was founded in 1934 with the
object of protecting the city's
unique architectural heritage. Today
the Trust has approximately 1,500
subscribing members from the UK and
overseas supporting its work. It has
rescued properties as diverse as
cottages which once housed artisans
who built the great Georgian
architectural set pieces, and
historically significant No 1 Royal
Crescent and Beckford Tower, which
are now owned by the Bath
Preservation Trust and run as a

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